Blog Now Closed

Thank You for joining me on my adventures over the past few years, but it's time to close it down.
Tracey =^..^=

16.03.13 Land Cruiser Mountain Park

We started out at our normal time.  Glenn had suggested our destination for this trip.  Definitely worth a look as it’s the largest 4WD park in the Great South East.  Heading north along the Bruce Highway, we take our turnoff at Caboolture and head west to Kilcoy.
Traffic is moving well at all stages, but about 2k’s before we take another right, we come to a complete standstill.  It seems that there are some road works halting our progress.  Expected delays are 15 minutes says the sign.  And it’s right.  We pull up in line and wait.

Roughly 15 minutes pass and suddenly people are getting back in their vehicles, me included.  Shortly afterwards, we are under way again.  It seems that they are repairing Sandy Creek bridges entry, on both sides of the road.  Obviously recent storms have undermined the road surface. 
2 kilometres later we turn right just before the meatworks.  We have no need to enter Kilcoy, so deviate.  Normally this way takes us to Yandilla, but we bypass the next turn and continue across Kilcoy Creek.  A few k’s later, we take another right and start heading away from Kilcoy.  The road narrows and twists and turns it’s way to the bottom of the range.  This spot also denotes the beginning of the Jimna State Forest and Conondale Range National Park.

As we head up the range, we note that the road is diminishing in spots, so if you are coming this way please take care when turning blind corners.
Once at the top of the range, we pass the Jimna turnoff.  Jimna itself is only about 1k off the road.  We lose the bitumen shortly after the exit.  Another 1k or so, brings us to Peach Trees turnoff, but we keep going.  An even shorter distance brings the Jimna Fire Tower in sight.  This time it’s completely surrounded by fencing to keep people out.  Next time you are up this way, drop into Jimna itself and donate some cash to assist in keeping the fire tower there for generations to come.

We still have about 20k’s to go and we now have to keep a good eye on the road and we also slow down and drive to the road conditions.

Eventually, we spot a sign and take a left.  According to my directions, we have about 6 more k’s to the office.

We pull up in the car park at 1030, but by the time we’ve paid and returned to the car it’s nearer to 1100 and we still haven’t found a campsite yet. 
We hit the road again following the map we’ve been given.  It seems that we have the choice of 3 campsites so we head to the first one to check it out.  We find a suitable spot when carloads of young people move in very close to it … so we move on to the next campsite.  As it’s getting rather late, we don’t bother even looking at the third one … just find a suitable spot to put up the camper.  Turns out the spot we pick is really nice and has water views.
Once the camper is up, we notice the dreaded canvas tent owner’s worst nightmare … mould.  Must have been that last camp in almost torrential rain.  Damn!  I make a mental note to find ways to combat this and quickly. (It turns out that one of the blogs I’m subscribed to beats me to it having found mould themselves and they even provide me with a solution).

We settle into camp and study the 4WD-ing map laid out before us.  Lots of extreme stuff which we don’t want to do.  Lots of steep stuff which I’m not keen on.  Lots of in between stuff too, but not much lame 4wd-ing to be found without a long drive.  We settle on doing a track to the head waters of the Brisbane River and find a loop track so we don’t have to return the same way.

Since it’s taken so long to get here and then setup we’ll save the drive for later.  I feel the need to check out our surroundings first.  I take the dogs for a walk downstream whilst Glenn sits back and enjoys the comfort of his chair.

The day is really warm, so I spend some time in the creek.  So does Telashi.  I end up lobbing the ball from my comfy chair to the other side of the creek for her.

I note as I have nibbles and drinks that all the vehicles going past are going full pelt and bucking up heaps of dust.  The track they are taking is fenced off from the camp ground, but it’s also along the fence line, so we will still cop the dust regardless.
The creek is cold, but not cold enough to stay out of for too long as the day is very warm.  Or rather the sun is very warm.  At least being in it for any length of time sure does make you realise your 30+ sunscreen has no hope of saving your skin from the inevitable.  Our comfortable chairs follow the shade as much as possible.

We think about dinner now and getting a fire started.  We search out some wood from around the banks of the creek.  Of course we find other fire pits filled with the labours of idiots who don’t care or know better.  It’s disappointing.  Once we find enough wood to get a fire going, we do so.  Stew is the order of the day and what better way than on coals in the camp oven?  I’m even doing up yoghurt bread patties to have it with as they are just so nice.

We’ve been scanning with the hand held CB all day, with not much interesting on it.

Our closest neighbours come down to check out the creek and go for a walk along the bank after saying hello.

I start preparations for the stew whilst Glenn gets the fire going.  Not much too dinner really.  Chop everything, then brown off meat with onion and capsicum, add everything else, some water, herbs and spices, put on the lid, add coals, walk away for ½ hour or so.  One of the easiest camp meals ever I think.  Very filling and always providing left overs for breakfast.
As night falls, we sit by the fire and discuss tomorrows drive around the countryside.  As mentioned before, Glenn wants to head to the headwaters of the Brisbane River.   We don’t want to do anything overly serious as Glenn’s vehicle is also his work vehicle.  Any damage done to it means he loses days at work to repair it, and he’s not so keen on that at all.  I’m not so keen on limping home either.

We eat dinner and sit back to enjoy the almost serenity.   Camp cake is now on and we are awaiting it’s perfection.

One lot of our neighbours are a bit on the noisy side for awhile.  Once they start to settle down a car comes down the hill at a million miles an hour and comes to an abrupt halt in their camp.  He yells out that ‘the Toyota has rolled’ and races around camp for a few minutes before heading back up the hill at the same express rate.  We can hear the conversation at that camp is now frenzied and another vehicle disappears from the camp in the same direction as the other one.  It sounds bad.  I do hope that no-one has been hurt.
This taken the next day.
About an hour later as we are heading to bed, about 8 or 9 vehicles parade their way back down from whence the last vehicle disappeared.  A few head into the other camp, but most head back towards the entrance to the camp site and disappear from view.  It’s hard to tell if any of these are the rolled Toyota or not.
11 AH

The next dawns brightly.  We reheat some stew for breakfast.  I take mine with bread, but it’s not as nice as the yoghurt bread patties.

Today we are going for a drive.  I’ve charged up the GoPro, but we’ve got no way for hooking it up to the bulbar – none of the components one can purchase is large enough apparently.  I can hold it still on the dashboard.

We do the dishes and load up the puppies and head out onto the tracks.  Navigating is relatively easy as most paths are sign posted, but we do come across a few that aren’t.  I manage to keep us on the right tracks, as well as passing heaps of other potential camping sites.

We make our way along tracks that have me gripping the vehicle … I’m not so keen on how the vehicle leans over in places, but we are still on 4 wheels when we make our way down to the banks of the Brisbane River.  Unfortunately there is no chance of us crossing over, so we do a 3 point turn and head back along the same track we came here on. 
Along the way, we see another vehicle coming along a more extreme track and we follow him for a short while before he races ahead.  When we catch up, he’s flexing his car to it’s limits across the track ahead.  We don’t have that much flex due to some technical thing, but it’s interesting to watch. 
Taking a slightly different exit to the other fellow, we head into a spot that would be great for camping. It’s time to let the pups out to stretch their legs.  We check the creek for depth here as well and find it disappointingly shallow, but of course, Telashi can always find a small spot to get her feet off the ground and let out a high pitched yip or two.
Back in the car, we head for camp.  It’s getting towards midday and we don’t want to leave too late as we still have road works to get through.

I’ve been taking a GoPro movie through out our journey so it will be interesting to see it once back home.  Might see how it goes on the trip home too.  Sorry you won’t see the movie as I’m not that crash hot with the program that turns it into a net viewable product.  It’s pretty lengthy as well which doesn’t help me much.

Once back in camp, we eat some lunch and start the pack up process – this weekend the canvas is perfectly dry.  Once completed, we head for the office so we can sign ourselves out.  It’s one of the conditions on entry.

That done we head for home.  I run the GoPro whilst charging it.  The trip home is long, but nothing really exciting happens.
20.2 AH

Trip Kilometres:  394
Trip Duration: 48 hours

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