Blog Now Closed

Thank You for joining me on my adventures over the past few years, but it's time to close it down.
Tracey =^..^=

08.12.12 Woodford Retreat Nudist Park

If you've clicked on this one expecting to see Naked People, I reckon you'll be disappointed. 
If you've clicked on this one with a smile on your face and a sense of adventure ... read on!

Dare To Be Bare!

We set off at our usual time of about 0800 northward bound.  Hopefully it won’t rain this time, but so far things don’t look promising as its very overcast and gloomy looking.  We hit the Gateway Motorway and are making excellent time to the Bruce Highway as traffic is light.

Once we see the signs for Caboolture and Bribie, we must hang a left and head up the D’Aguilar Highway towards Woodford, which is our stop for the weekend.  As we get closer to our destination, I consult the hand written map we have and find that it’s very accurate and easy to follow, but even so we miss the entry to the Retreat.  No big advertising signs here.  J

We enter the driveway and pull up at the gate.  Seems we aren’t the first ones to arrive as I can see two gents across the camping ground – yes dear reader - both in their birthday suits.  Glenn has a bit of a panic, but I’m smiling.  I personally can’t wait to shed my “material world”.  I open the gate.

We pull in and are greeted by Alan the property owner.  He requests we park and he’ll show us around, so we park where he’s directed us to and head back to him.  Alan is a very friendly, accommodating gentleman, who is happy to welcome us and does what he can to make us feel comfortable.  The tour he takes us on is rather quick, giving us options here and there, but letting us make any final decisions.  He’s requested that we keep the dogs confined until they have “proven” themselves which is fine by us.  I ask the question “What are the rules as such” being that we’ve never done this so publicly before and the answer “There is but one … if bottoms are bare, put a towel on the chair” … which seems easy enough to me.

Once the site decision is made, he leaves us to settle in.  Inspecting the area we’ve chosen, we firstly bare ourselves and then begin the process of setting up camp in the best spot. 

I have to say that doing things Sans Birth is really quite liberating and feels very natural.  I reckon I’m going to actually enjoy the weekend.

Once our camp is set up to our satisfaction, we rest for awhile.  It’s hot and muggy and we are both sweating a little bit, so cold drinks are the order of the day.  One solar panel is in place as the patch of sun we have access to is rather small due to the large pine trees beside us.   
Once we’ve cooled sufficiently, we decide it’s time to wet the dogs and check out the pool.

Puppies leaded up we head for Monkeybong Creek.  Alan tells us it’s so named by the local aborigines and he thinks there can be no way they haven’t come from places further north with monkeys or why the name?  It is running, but very slowly.  One side of the bridge to the rear of the property has leaf litter and tree scum on the surface, but the other side is clear of any debris.  There are also very large tadpoles coming up to the surface to breathe.  Of course the dogs get straight in.  The water is cold, but no overly inviting for humans as it’s a bit murky.  Alan has told us it’s about chest height.  The pups swim for awhile.

We leash them again and head for the pool, but before we can get far, the other lone tenant has come back from a swim and we chat on the bridge for a short while, but standing in the sun is getting the better of me, so we excuse ourselves and head to the pool.
It’s positioned beside Alan’s house, adjoined by a deck.  The info sheet says its mineral water filled and asks that we help him to keep it clean … no problem, so we remove the 10 leaves that have accumulated on the surface.  It’s wonderfully cool and makes us rather buoyant.  We spend about 10 minutes cooling off before we head off to explore this end of the property a bit more. 
 Under Alan’s house is the “kitchen” area, complete with fridge, freezer, table, chairs, microwave and the likes.  
Near the house is a modern shower block for guests, and also (I believe) cabin style accommodation. 
We head down a path to the creek, which we are hoping will take us to The Island Alan has spoken of.  Along the winding path beside the creek we find a bridge which we cross. 
And we are on The Island.  Seems this section separates the front and rear sections of the property and can be roped off for private functions.  It has a very secluded feel to it.  We explore some more and Glenn points out our camper through the trees and it’s rather hard to see.  Heading further along we come to another bridge which is our way off The Island.  Alan has mentioned there is a platypus living in the creek, so perhaps The Island is the best place to sit and watch.

Heading back to camp we realise just how warm it is as we are both sweating again.  The humidity is through the roof today. 

Telashi requires the ball to be thrown once more. 

Sitting back and taking in our surroundings I note that there are shade cloth walls on those areas where viewing us from outside the property might be possible.  The shower in our section has hessian walls, but the toilet is enclosed.  There is a solar “boom box” in the centre of the grounds.  You can either play CD’s or plug in an MP3 player.  There are a few fire pits around, but you must look hard for them, however there is one large central one, where we’ve been invited to sit around this evening for a chat.  A few portable pavilions have been erected with chairs under each.  It’s a nicely cared for camp ground with some shady trees and areas in full sun.

As the day grows to a close, I notice the sound of traffic more.  It’s a busy little D’aguilar Highway for sure.  We construct our pig and instead of searching for some timber, we simply walk to a pile and borrow from it.  The pile is mostly lantana branches and pine cones.  Pine cones are great for starting a fire and we soon find that about 2 or 3 of them will maintain enough heat to fry up some T-bones.

After dinner it’s time to try out the shower and I’m very surprised at how well the solar water heater does.
 It’s a glorious hot shower with ample coverage – not like some shower heads that I’ve come across which spurt in all directions – this one is large and round.  When I return, Glenn heads over.  With that done, we then carry our chairs to the main fire place where Alan & Robin are already seated enjoying a chat and cold drink.  After a good chat, we head back to camp to relax the night away.

Next morning I’m awoken by the sounds of traffic.  Neighbours too.  But it’s all good.  The birds are chirruping and the cicada’s are doing what they do best, being loud.  Breakfast is bacon and eggs this time, once again fired by Pine Cones.  Now we just have to wait till the OzPig cools down before we can leave. 

Glenn says departure is 1430 at the latest.  I can live with that.  So what to do after breakfast?  Swim the dogs once more of course.  Today is not as overcast as yesterday, but I think it’s just as warm.  Telashi requires more balling (throwing of the ball for her to chase) and I comply from my comfortable chair.  That’s get her nice and warm for a dip.

As we’ve been sitting and relaxing we note that more people have dropped by.  They aren’t setting up a camp as such, just sitting in the shade of some trees.  Robin is still reading his book.  Later when I look up again, they are all standing out in the sun discussing life … must be hot out there … makes me hot looking at them in the sun.  I wish they’d go sit in the shade again.
Glenn says it’s time to wander up to get the dogs wet.  All three are happy to comply and eagerly access the water, which creates a bit of puppy playfulness in Kiah.  It’s hilarious to watch her, but she’s now cool and obviously enjoying it.
Circling the property once more, we notice that the entire creek has these huge tadpoles.  We still can’t see the platypus though.  Must realise how hot it is and won’t come out of its underground hole.  Can’t blame it really.  If I had an air-conditioned underground hole to crawl in I’d likely be there as well.
Back at camp once more, we sit and cool off.  It’s time to start packing some things again I suppose, but as always, we do things slowly, trying to fit in as much relaxing time to our day as we can before we have to flip it over.

We rest, relax and pack and are heading out the gate on the allotted latest time fully clad - Birthday Suits sadly put away.  The trip home is uneventful.  I checked the dogs over the next day for ticks (post trip routine) and found one on Jack. 

Trip Kilometres:  197
Trip Duration: 48 hours

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like this is closed now

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